Concrete Production Plant

Stationary installation of a concrete-mixing plant with the ToBetMix 35-175/5 2.0 3/100 inline silo and the capacity of around 90 m3/h, three 100-ton cement silos, with a computerised control system manufactured by DORNER Electronik, and a 2.0 m3 concrete agitator manufactured by BHS. 

Portable installation of a concrete-mixing plant with the ToBetmobimix 12-20/4 1.67 3/100 inline silo with the capacity of around 70 m3/h, three 100 ton cement silos, a computerised control system manufactured by DORNER Electronik and a 1.67 m3 concrete agitator manufactured by BHS.

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Concrete Product Manufacturing Plant - "ToBetmix60" Dyckerhoff Wrocław Concrete Product Manufacturing Plant - "ToBetmix75" tower, Dyckerhoff Poznań Concrete Product Manufacturing Plant - "ToBetmix75" tower Dyckerhoff Poznań Cement scales - Dyckerhoff Poznań
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Concrete Product Manufacturing Plant "ToBetmix60" gwiazda (star) Dyckerhoff Rzeszów Cement silo protection - Dyckerhoff Rzeszów Cement scales - Dyckerhoff Kraków Concrete Product Manufacturing Plant "ToBetmix85" Dyckerhoff Warszawa
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Concrete Product Manufacturing Plant "ToBetmix85" Thomas Beton Grudziądz Concrete Product Manufacturing Plant "ToBetmix85" Thomas Beton Grudziądz Face wall - Thomas Beton Grudziądz Cement silo protection - Thomas Beton Grudziądz
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Concrete Product Manufacturing Plant "ToBetmix85" PEUiM Białystok Concrete Product Manufacturing Plant "ToBetmix85" PEUiM Białystok Concrete Product Manufacturing Plant "ToBetmix85" Kruszbet Suwałki Concrete Product Manufacturing Plant "ToBetmix85" Kruszbet Suwałki
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Concrete Product Manufacturing Plant "ToBetmix85" Kruszbet Suwałki Control cabinets Control Fm. Dorner Electronic Concrete Product Manufacturing Plant "ToBetmix85" machining
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Concrete Product Manufacturing Plant "ToBetmix85" machining with feed Concrete Product Manufacturing Plant "ToBetmix85" machining Hydrophore station Additives container
Additives scales